Jan 23, 2020
In today’s episode, Michael answers Alisa’s money questions on saving vs. investing. He says, “the name of the game is to get in the game. Stop overthinking it and just start investing now to have the opportunity for future market gains.” Then Alisa shares tips on how to make friends as adults and reminds...
Jan 6, 2020
What Alisa’s liking on social: @bossladiesmindset, “When they tell you not to be eye candy, but to be soul food. Except you’re a multifaceted being. So you’re eye candy, soul food, & a spiritual warrior princess.”
What Michael’s liking on social: @clarkfinancialsolutions, “Personal finance is 80% behavior...
Jan 1, 2020
Michael kicks us off on a serious note by discussing opportunity cost, how to create a spending plan, and various tools like eMoney, Quicken and Mint to help you track your expenses. It’s time to take the word “budget” out of your vocabulary and replace it with “spending plan” to help you focus on what’s...